While this season's exceptional winter rains were a welcome sight for most drought-weary Californians, some small San Diego farmers were negatively impacted by severe flooding and snowfall which impacted their crops and ability to bring nutritious food to our local community.

To help ensure San Diego farmers were provided access to emergency relief, Propagate Investment partnered with Community Alliance for Family Farmer's California Family Farmer Emergency Fund to directly fund six small community farms impacted by severe weather.
San Diego County has the largest number of small farms in the nation. Being at an urban-agricultural interfaced plagued by high property values, small farms face many challenges which make them especially vulnerable. The inability to keep their land in agricultural production means it could otherwise transition to residential development. Fewer small farms equates to a weaker food system in San Diego County and less community access to locally produced, nutritionally-dense foods.
In line with Propagate's mission to maintain a robust and resilient agrarian community in San Diego County, partnering with CAFF to ensure six small farms continued to operate with an easy decision to make.
It is imperative we do all we can to save the small, diverse agrarian community that exists in San Diego County. This includes stepping in to lend a hand when unforeseen events impact our farmers and their ability to provide us all with the wonderful food they produce. Rather than just talking about ways to help, Propagate is proud to actually do something that makes a direct impact to saving our foodshed.